Master of Management in Clinical Informatics (A-MCI-MMCI)
Master of Management in Clinical Informatics
Department Chair: C. David Page, PhD
Program Director: Ed Hammond, PhD
Operations Director: Randy Sears, MBA
The Master of Management in Clinical Informatics Program is intended to prepare graduates to work in the health care industry as informatics professionals. The curriculum provides a blending of informatics and business principles, preparing graduates to apply business principles to strategic decisions regarding evaluation, implementation, and use of informatics in the health care industry. Graduates will work in health care provider, payer, and vendor organizations.
The curriculum for the Master of Management in Clinical Informatics Program involves fifteen required courses that carry 1-3 course credits per course. There are no elective courses and no course exemptions. Course substitutions are not permitted, and students progress through the program as a single cohort. This structure reflects the importance of the following issues: (1) the need to ensure the appropriate balance between the breadth and depth required to successfully prepare for a work role in health informatics; (2) the need to ensure that students have uniform quality with respect to depth of exposure to concepts and frameworks in a given area; and (3) the value of intact cohorts which will allow us to enhance teaming skills in repeated contexts. The curriculum capstone is the practicum which students complete over the Summer term. The practicum provides students with a hands-on, real work project in which brings to bear the multidiscipline approach of the MMCi Program.
The Master of Management in Clinical Informatics Program meets one Friday and Saturday every month; another Saturday in the month is remote, plus online education.
Certificate in Clinical Informatics
A certificate may be earned. This is a one-year program. Graduates may return for the full Master of Management in Clinical Informatics degree within three years of earning the certificate. Tuition for returning students within that time frame are charged the same as when they earned the certificate.
Students interested in the program should contact MMCi Admissions, Duke University School of Medicine, DUMC 2734, Durham, NC 27710; email:; website: Master of Management in Clinical Informatics.