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Master of Biostatistics

Master of Biostatistics

Department Chair: C. David Page, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies: Gregory P. Samsa, PhD
Associate Director of Graduate Studies: Jesse D. Troy, PhD
Senior Program Coordinator: Kendall Mincey


As biomedical research becomes increasingly quantitative and complex, a need exists for individuals who possess exceptional analytic skills, a strong foundation in human biology, and the ability to effectively communicate statistical principles to multi-disciplinary research teams. Demand is particularly high for individuals formally trained in biostatistics.

Duke University School of Medicine is a world-class medical research institution that provides an ideal setting for training biostatisticians to gain exposure to state-of-the-art biostatistical methodology in the context of cutting-edge science research. Duke’s Master of Biostatistics Program is unique in its balanced focus on three core competencies: analysis, biology, and communication. All faculty members in the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke are actively engaged in research, with projects collectively spanning a broad array of biomedical research areas. Faculty members actively practice what they teach and are dedicated to ensuring students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as biostatisticians.

To allow students to tailor their education to their post-graduation goals, Duke’s Master of Biostatistics Program offers 3 tracks: Clinical and Translation Research (CTR) Track for students who plan to gain employment as a collaborative biostatistician in an academic or industry setting; Biomedical Data Science (BDS) Track for students who would like to blend statistics and computer science; and Mathematical Statistics (MS) Track for students who plan to enroll in a doctoral program in biostatistics or similar field.